Thursday, November 11, 2010

Welcome To The Christ Covenant Church Recipe Site

How many times have you been at one of our church functions, eating some wonderful goodies, thinking to yourself "I must get this recipe."  Well this is the recipe site we all keep talking about.  Here is where you can post that recipe once and refer to it by name for those times when someone asks you "Can I have this recipe?"

But this is also a place for tips, links, comments, and all kinds of helpful counsel that can be shared with one another in order to aid and encourage us all in our labors.

For example: I just hosted a tea party for London's birthday.  This is a place I could post pictures of what I made and how I set the table.  This could be a great help to a mama who wants to have a special tea for her girl but just needs some inspiration.

This would also be a great place for Rachel to post those coupon links, Kael could announce the opening of the WinCo in Everett, or someone could give the recipe for homemade dish soap.  If you find a great store on-line, or some source such as a local consignment store, we can provide links for those types of things.

So share your skills with us ladies and pass on the wisdom God has blessed you with .  Inspire us to be excited about our labors.  Bring on those helpful tricks that aid in making the job quicker and more efficient.

And in advance, thank you for your love as you labor to give help to one another.

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